I believe it started way back, when Ronald Reagan abolished the Fairness Doctrine! [The fairness doctrine of the United States Federal Communications Commission introduced in 1949, was a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that fairly reflected differing viewpoints.] Since then corporations freely began to buy news-prime times, and converting "news" into high-emotion driven 'shows' while increasingly spreading delusional theories (i.e."trickle-down-economics") and giving channels like FOX news free reigns to present blatant misinformation and 'alternative facts' as news without any legal consequences. The bigger and better the lies, the more people bought happily into it ...Who cares about ethics or why engage in critical thinking if it is all so clearly black and white (no pun intended)? Mix into that (already mentioned the blatant misogyny and racism), the rarely questioned myth of "we are the best nation" of modern American society ...and there you get the perfect recipe for a dictator clown commander in chief.

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it felt good to get that one off my chest :)

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That is fascinating and so awful. I had no idea. Thank you for sharing this, Annette. Definitely plays a huge role.

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My husband who is a naturalized citizen from India said that Biden should have stepped aside halfway through his term and let Harris take over. It would have been better than being thrown to the wolves at the end and people would have had a chance to get to know and maybe trust her more. Of course we do have a lot of people who "don't have time to think" and would rather just scrape the sludge off the top of questionable news items for their information. There's been a lot of hate and apathy in this country for a long time and I hope the boil gets lanced - maybe by people realizing what a huge mistake they made expecting anything for the common people from T.

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